Club Equiptment
Posted: by House of Paine in~RED EYE DJ BOOTH~
This industrial DJ booth has five animated speakers, four turn tables, one mixer, animated synthisizer light tubes, and a microphone. Animated DJ animation pose ball is included. This DJ booth would be perfect for any industrial style club and can fit any decorum. All color variations are available.
This vibrant DJ booth is truely a one of a kind.With twelve animated speakers, dual .45 decks, animated DJ pose ball, and animated lights it will make a great center peice for any club. Must see in world! The pictures dont do the lighting justice!
This sleek designed retro throwback is so far the smoothest booth in the game. Its compiled of two decks, one mixer, animated lighted background, two free floating speakers, animated DJ pose ball, and animated synthisizer. Any color scheme available to enhance your clubs "cool factor."
This delux DJ booth is said to be "impressive" by most of those that have seen it. Done in a red and black color scheme here, it's very popular with larger clubs. It comes with two decks, a mixer, 4 large free standing animated speakers, a records box tip jar, animated DJ pose ball, and a record and headphones to garnish.